Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Landlord's claims for damages and unpaid utilities dismissed by LTB due to lack of evidence.
Landlord wins termination case in Kingston, tenant must vacate by January 31, 2025.
Kitchener landlord wins eviction case against tenants who repeatedly breached LTB orders by missing rent payments.
LTB grants tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, gives them chance to pay arrears and avoid termination.
Landlord wins eviction case against London tenant for repeated disruptive and damaging behavior.
Mississauga landlord wins eviction case after tenant breaches previous LTB order.
Landlord's claims for damages and unpaid utilities dismissed by LTB due to lack of evidence.
Landlord wins termination case in Kingston, tenant must vacate by January 31, 2025.
Kitchener landlord wins eviction case against tenants who repeatedly breached LTB orders by missing rent payments.
LTB grants tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, gives them chance to pay arrears and avoid termination.
Landlord wins eviction case against London tenant for repeated disruptive and damaging behavior.
Mississauga landlord wins eviction case after tenant breaches previous LTB order.
Landlord's claims for damages and unpaid utilities dismissed by LTB due to lack of evidence.
Landlord wins termination case in Kingston, tenant must vacate by January 31, 2025.
Kitchener landlord wins eviction case against tenants who repeatedly breached LTB orders by missing rent payments.
LTB grants tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, gives them chance to pay arrears and avoid termination.
Landlord wins eviction case against London tenant for repeated disruptive and damaging behavior.
Mississauga landlord wins eviction case after tenant breaches previous LTB order.
Landlord's claims for damages and unpaid utilities dismissed by LTB due to lack of evidence.
Landlord wins termination case in Kingston, tenant must vacate by January 31, 2025.
Kitchener landlord wins eviction case against tenants who repeatedly breached LTB orders by missing rent payments.
LTB grants tenants' motion to set aside eviction order, gives them chance to pay arrears and avoid termination.
Landlord wins eviction case against London tenant for repeated disruptive and damaging behavior.
Mississauga landlord wins eviction case after tenant breaches previous LTB order.
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Who Wins
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Landlord Win Rate: 25%
Landlord Win Rate: 28.57%
Landlord Win Rate: 28.57%
Landlord Win Rate: 57.14%
Landlord Win Rate: 40%
Landlord Win Rate: 20%
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